
If you emerge from Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station and are feeling hungry or just fancy a snack, you’re in luck. Cafefin, which offers a unique culinary experience, is mere metres away. This highly popular establishment shows how it’s possible to blend Czech and Vietnamese flavours. It’s the project of a “banana” (Czech-Vietnamese) child who has lived in the Czech Republic since the age of eight and is as familiar with donuts as with Phô soup. Saying that he combines them easily is only a slight exaggeration, and he has no doubt that you’ll love these and other goodies from the Eurasian melting pot. With an equally light and natural touch, local artists decorate the foam on your coffee using oriental or Moravian folklore motifs. A pleasure for the eyes and the taste buds.

The interior is an arresting mix, featuring chairs that have become icons of Czech design history. The brightly-coloured cushions feature floral patterns in a sort of universal Asian style. Spot the old typewriter beside the Vietnamese theatrical masks, and an enamel mug under an electric kerosene lamp. And somehow, miraculously, they all combine to wonderful effect!

beyond the centre | Vinohrady
 Type of establishment
Tea & Coffee
Free Wi-Fi
Suitable for families with children
Credit card

In the same street the family of the café owner runs two other restaurants, where the famous Phô soup is a big favourite. They say, it’s highly addictive, which is probably true because, as they say, we can never have enough of a good thing!

Giulia, Avantgarde Prague
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