If you lose something during your stay in Prague, you can go to the Lost and Found in the hope of finding it.
Address: 5 Karolíny Světlé Street, Prague 1 – Old Town (Staré Město)
Opening hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 12:30 to 18:00
Phone: +420 224 235 085
E-mail: ztraty.nalezy@email.cz
Useful information!
If you lose something on a tram or bus in Prague, contact the hotline of the Prague Public Transport Company (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy) on +420 296 19 18 17.
If the item is found, you will be quickly informed about when and where you can pick it up.
If you realise that you have lost it later (more than a week), all items found on buses and trams in Prague are sent once a week (on Thursdays) to the above-mentioned lost property department.
If you are the one who finds a lost item and you have some time to spare, do a good deed and go to the above-mentioned address to drop off the item. All you have to do is fill in a simple form with your name, or return the object completely anonymously if you prefer.